Today one of my friends was going on about how hard it is to find a gentleman among the jerks in this age and time.This remark brought back so many memories. Back in those days when I had a girlfriend,she always had a way of turning a normal conversation into an argument about how evil men are.She would always center her argument on how modern men are no longer chivalrous and how the gentlemen of the romance novels were basically extinct.
Now, I could take the whole day disputing this ,but I wont..because I am in class and the teacher is throwing suspicious looks at me.
So to all ladies who think on the same lines, this is my answer.It is possible for all men to be gentlemen, but it is not practical. If we were all gentlemen then gentle-manhood looses its uniqueness then we longer appreciate the gentlemen.It is with this in mind that all men met in the early 90s and decided that the majority of us should be in every way the opposite of gentlemen.In doing so we have accomplished making the few gentlemen around very very appreciated.
Now, I could take the whole day disputing this ,but I wont..because I am in class and the teacher is throwing suspicious looks at me.
So to all ladies who think on the same lines, this is my answer.It is possible for all men to be gentlemen, but it is not practical. If we were all gentlemen then gentle-manhood looses its uniqueness then we longer appreciate the gentlemen.It is with this in mind that all men met in the early 90s and decided that the majority of us should be in every way the opposite of gentlemen.In doing so we have accomplished making the few gentlemen around very very appreciated.
Project 'Ungentlemenization'