Friday, 17 December 2010

It gets crazier still

Sitting in class last week,I had the best idea of my life.It was, even better, it was legendary,awesome,genius,I mean it was goooood.The kind of idea that is the dream of every scientist to have.I did not just bump into it, no. It slowly crept into my mind as I tried my best to concentrate in class.

It sneaked into my thoughts and I could think of nothing else..I could hardly wait to put it into writing. It burned in my chest like a broken heart, suddenly there were butterflies in my stomach..reminding me of my first date so long ago.

So good was the Idea that I wanted to scream it out loud..but I knew such an unwelcomed action would only earn me hostile looks from Jessica and Zam my immediate neighbors,not to mention the I held it inside.My hands were now aching with the desire to put it into writing, and I kept looking at the clock willing it to move faster.

As soon as the chime sounded, I grabbed my bag and started running only for the teacher to call me back asking me to lead the class in a closing prayer.I rushed through the prayer, and murmured a half- hearted 'shitsurei shimasu' accompanied by what can hardly be described as a bow and rushed out.

I sat down took out my small laptop excitedly then I suddenly stopped.I had forgotten what I wanted to write.The stream of ideas in my head had died,the burning in my chest was no more,even the butterflies in my stomach had been replaced by what I could positively identify as pangs of hunger.
I pushed back the comp into my bag headed off to chapel doubting my sanity all the way

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